My new book POP is being delivered from the printers this week!
Let me explain. I have two carreers. Beside being Nikola Arkane, I also have my alter-ego FizzWizzPop – a somewhat ditzy magical creature who have become a rather popular kid and family entertainer.
While it might not be apparent on the surface, there is a lot that goes into becoming a good childrens entertainer – everything from the performances to the business end of it – and very little of it is well documented.
So in 2019 I wrote my first book Becoming FizzWizzPop, a frighteningly open-hearted account of the journey from a nervous beginner to a seasoned professional. All written with the ambition to write the book I myself had been lacking when I started out.
Thanks to funding from The Arts Council of Northern Ireland I was able to spend time during the pandemic to write the sequel POP – a book detailing my kids character FizzWizzPop’s magic show that I have performed for the last ten years. While the first book was semi-autobiographical in nature, POP is more technical and detailed.